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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lock and Key

Good morning friend.

I am writing to you at this hour, after much inner turmoil, regarding the nature of this topic. It has been some time, since our last post, here at TDWDS! Furthermore, I don't want this to turn into a five paragraph intro, so let's just dive in, shall we?

As always, we will be tackling our subject from both the male and female perspectives. I am hopeful that this insight will heighten your relational awareness and increase your discernment, as it pertains to understanding the psyche of the oppostie sex.

My mentor has eloquently described the husband and wife dynamic as two people, created to function as one anothers' "help opposite". Hence, man and woman were created to help each other and also compensate for each other's weaknesses by operating in their respective God-given attributes. However, for this same reason, they are also opposites of one another. This aspect can be a springboard, as it were, for drama and chaos as well.

I want to travel back, for a brief moment, to my days as a young man, living in southern California. I would go out with my military buddies and we would always marvel at a very common observation that we'd routinely made: Invariably, we would see a drop-dead gorgeous young lady, walking arm-in-arm with what appeared to be a physically unattrative man. This, to us, was a phenomenon. This observation was discussed often. However, this occurrence became less of a mystery to me, as I matured and began to grasp the philosophy of women, within the framework of my training and personal life esperience.

Women, to a greater or lesser degree, are more compelled by a man's ability to provide her with emotional and financial stability, than they are by his physical appearance alone. We men, on the other hand, are quite different. A woman could be an axe murederer, in most cases, and be acceptable; as long as she is beautiful, in our perception.

From this observation, I have concluded that the man is the key in the relationship, for he should open or introduce the elements of financial/emotional provision and protection in the relationship.

The woman is the lock in the relationship. She may beautify the home, help her husband, emotionally, financially or otherwise, and may even earn equal or greater pay. Bear in mind that these should be supportive roles. The man was designed to bear the brunt of life's hard challenges in a nuclear family. But of course, the woman is capable and prepared to shoulder the bulk of the load, should she have to. She is the lock because her greatest gifts are hidden, and should only be accessible to the man that has a focus on commitment and love. His love is expressed by following through on the characteristics  outlined in the previous paragraph.

For every key, there is a lock. For every lock, there is a key.

Ladies, you are the lock.

Gentlement, you are the key.


Dr. Wick Daddy
Copyright 2011

Copyright 2011 - "The Wick Daddy Show!"

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1 comment:

  1. And sometimes those ugly men will go so far as to say, "if I can't have you, no one can." David defeated Goliath, so with God, that's our only hope. Of course, John the Baptist was beheaded, Stephen was stoned, etc., so even with God, things don't always turn out great. But, when He comes back to this world, it will be great. If we can only be strong until then. We might be tortured or killed, but no one can take our soul from us.
