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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Relationships - Are you being mistreated?

The treatment that we receive from others is a direct result of what we permit them to say or do in our presence. There may have been a number of things that triggered the wrong behavior: gossip, verbal disagreement, or an offense that was picked up from another person. However, we cannot allow the unresolved issue to persist.

Regardless of the source of the problem, the solution must be handled prayerfully and with counsel / advice from a mature, level-headed individual. Please consider the following steps to resolution that I, personally, have found to be very productive.

1. Engage the person and attempt to identify the root cause. - A calm tone of voice and a smile will go a long way. The goal is to disarm the person so that a dialogue can take place. Use his/her name as much as possible when addressing the individual. Listen and feel free to repeat what has been said.
2. Own up to your part in the situation. - When you are wrong, admit it and when you are right, be quiet. Apologies are fine, but "I told you so's" are not.
3. Ask for forgiveness. - The goal is to live at peace with those around, to the extent that you can.

This approach is a suggestion for people that you will have to continually encounter on a regular basis. The relationship may not be restored. If the relationship is not restored, then it is imperative that you adjust how you respond to the person to prevent further damage.

The moral of the story is simple: we must attempt to look past the hurt that we have been caused and look at the pain that the other person is in that would cause them to act in an inappropriate manner. What we will often find is that the pain that they are in is often much greater than what we are experiencing. Furthermore, there is a 99% percent chance that the root cause of his/her conduct has little to do with you; if anything at all.

"Do what you can, to make wrongs right,
Resist from within, the urge to fight,
Cast not darkness towards others, only light,
So that when the day is done, you'll be able to sleep tight."

Copyright 2011 - "The Wick Daddy Show!"

Dr. Wick Daddy


  1. Man this is good. Definitely for me.

  2. Thank you for your honesty. We have all been there at some point and to different degrees, but our willingness to be transparent is what helps us and others. God bless and thanks again!
