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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Virgins, Sex, and the Secret Weapon.

Good morning DrWD family!

Yes, you read the title correctly. I have finally conducted enough research to the point that I am comfortable sharing it with each of you. This discussion will conclusively confer both a scientific and a moral thesis as to the leverage that every virgin inherently possesses over a woman who has chosen not to wait until she is married, to become sexually active.

The ‘leverage’ that I am referring to, is a bonding hormone found within the genetic composition of all women. It is called oxytocin. This is the chemical that causes a woman to lactate, almost instantaneously, upon hearing the sound of a crying baby. I will make a quick conversational detour; and an even quicker return:

I have partnered with my wife in raising 8 children. What I have witnessed her undertake, over the past 19 years is nothing short of miraculous. I have a profound respect for all mothers, but I wanted to briefly pay homage to my wife and thank her for her selfless devotion to our family. Love you honey.

Ok….I’m back. Now this oxytocin stuff also has a secondary trigger that has nothing to do with children. This hormone is also released during sexual intercourse. Consequently, based on my research and naturopathic studies, its properties are not unlike other hormonal responses, within the human anatomy, which are activated by external stimuli. What I’m saying, in plain language is this: the more the woman is exposed to this secondary stimulus, the more desensitized she becomes.

This desensitization also impacts other areas of her innate relational skills; like the ability to determine the positive attributes / characteristics of a healthy love relationship. Hence, the more sexual activity she participates in, the lower her standards for a suitable partner can become. So as she becomes more sexually active, she is, potentially, more likely to find herself in more damaging relationships. This is why women may seem to gain more relationship 'experience', but somehow, seem to pick a dudes that are more 'messed up' than the one before.

Why is this? Non-physical characteristics becomes less and less of a priority. The body begins to place more of a priority on the release of the chemical, regardless of the inherent character qualities of the partner. Crazy, right?

Well, this feature was designed to safeguard the woman, when practicing celibacy until marriage. However, promiscuity turns this safety net into a booby trap. The chemical wasn’t designed to be activated with the varying chemistries that a woman is exposed to when engaging multiple partners, but only to be cultivated within the confines of a monogamous marital union.

This biological occurrence does not render a woman, who has had multiple sexual partners, incapable of being found by Mr. Right. However, I am suggesting that it may hinder her ability to discern who Mr. Right may be, upon arrival.

To make matters more challenging, men typically may have two categories that his encounters are separated into:

  1. The kind of girl I would ‘have fun’ with.
  2. The kind of girl I would bring home to mother.
Your willing participation in category 1 could definitely decrease your chances of falling into category 2. Don't get me wrong. Ladies, if your priorities are in alignment with Category 1, please stop reading this blog now. I thank you for your time and I mean that in the most sincere way.

No matter what category you may feel that you’re in, the categories are simply by-products of our choices. That’s why I have to tell you this. Research it, share it with your friends and considering applying it to your lifestyle, whether you are a virgin or not.

In closing, if you are a virgin, know that you have chosen wisely. You are not abnormal, you have simply made a choice. Your spouse-to-be will reap the benefits and you will have the joy of the exclusivity of sexual intimacy. There is no greater experience than belonging to one someone and having that connection reciprocated. 

If you are not a virgin, you are still priceless. But you must guard yourself as one who is rare and valuable. Remember, priceless gems are under lock and key. Free samples don’t cost anything. You can experience the joys of exclusivity, within the confines of an eternal union.

I will be the first to admit I have made mistakes in the past. I lost my virginity at 16. I was married to a good woman and got divorced. I brought one son into my second marriage. I have fathered a child out of wedlock. But I was fortunate enough to have raised all 8 of my children in my home and have great relationships with each of them.

It is great to be able to write wonderful blog posts and move people emotionally. But I believe if you don't have the courage to be real and transparent about what has happened in your life, Facebook and Twitter will provide you all the interaction you need. They are great online outlets and I use them. But if you're gonna blog, you've gotta 'be' about it and not just talk about it. 

Do it big.............or don't do it.

Peace party people………………

Dr. Wick Daddy

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