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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Kevin Hart, Ice Cube - Ride Along Movie Trailer 2014

Greetings Party People.
As I watched all the Christmas cartoons and basketball games today,
I began to reflect on how truly blessed I am.
At this time, however, I also cannot help but ponder about the welfare of those
who are less fortunate and may have been forgotten this season.
As I was reflecting, I happened to see this trailer (click here) for the new Kevin Hart / 
Ice Cube movie: Ride Along, which hits theaters in January 2014.
Here is the question I asked myself after watching this trailer:

Did anybody think about contacting Skee-Lo to see if he could at least make a cameo in the video (since he originally performed and probably wrote the song?)
I'm very proud of the accomplishments of both Ice Cube and Kevin Hart and this isn't a slam on either of them.
Furthermore, if a record company or some other entity, owns the publishing rights, they have legal claim to reproduce the artistic work.
But as a successful artist, that is reproducing someone else's song, I personally would at least ask the question: "Hey Mr. Hollywood/ agent/ publicist, can one of you guys try to reach out to Skee-Lo and see if he'd like to at least do a quick "Stan Lee" type of pop-in on this video?
If any of my readers follows either of these celebrities on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, could you ask them and comment below?
Maybe they did try to reach him and if that is the case, then my apologies are certainly in order.
It is possible that Skee Lo may not have owned his music, as most artists do not own their artistic work; and he probably could use a little revenue, during the Christmas season. 
If anyone can add to this discussion, please do.
Holla back and Merry Christmas from Dr. Wick Daddy.
P.S. Check out the original video below.

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