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Monday, May 21, 2012

Daily Nugget #141 - Boundaries

Bon soir, mon amis!

In Baton Rouge, that is our way of saying, "Good evening, my friends!" That will conclude today's French lesson. If you want further info, please watch Adam Sandler's movie, "Waterboy".

Now, back to business! I have a few questions for you.

  • Have you noticed your conversations with others becoming a little less frequent?
  • Do you feel as if your advice isn't being taken seriously?
  • Is your time being disregarded and consumed with what seems to be empty chatter?

If any of these observations rings true, then I have great news for you:

It is time to examine your boundaries.

Let me state that severing a friendship should be the last resort. Friendships and relationships have dry seasons. The solution to a dry season is moisture. Moisture produces either rain or dew.

The rain symbolizes the increased compassion you can display toward others, when you decrease an individual's access. Some phone calls may need to go to voice mail. Some text messages may not need to be responded to, until you've had a chance to contemplate, pray. or rest.

The dew remains when you have removed yourself from a negative conversation or situation. This dew is the protection you provide for your ears and mind when you avoid discussions that may tempt you to pass judgment upon others, without knowing the full scope of what you've heard. You also protect others by providing them an opportunity to evaluate the topic of their conversation, when you politely excuse yourself from the mix. (Trust me, they will give pause, once you vacate the area and they may even comment about your abrupt exit. Whether or not they continue in foolish banter is irrelevant. Your only goal is to provide an example.)

Christ desires that we coach others through appropriate responses. He does want us to sever relationships when a mistake is made.

Loving others sometimes means giving them room to miss your company, examine your advice or  simply have more time to examine themselves.

We can, unintentionally, create co-dependent people, enable them, and wind up despising them; all because we just wanted to 'help'.

Hence, I have both good news and bad news.

The good news is that each of us is a one-of-a-kind jewel, that has been uniquely fashioned with gifts and talents.

The bad news could be that God allows us to pencil in, with our responses, the actual dollar amount on the price tag that everyone sees, when they cross our paths.

So today, let's add a few more zeros to that price tag.................shall we?


Peace party people.


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