In order to do this effectively, one must agree on one premise:
"Society has successfully taught us to focus on what we don't have and on the bad things in our past that we feel have an impact on our current circumstance..:
Knowing this to be, at least true, in part; let us now reverse this warped sense of perspective and adopt the following mantra:
E & G
Expectation - Let us be ever-expectant of favorable outcomes. If they are positive outcomes, they are the rewards of correct decisions or merely God's blessings. If they are negative outcomes, within them can be found valuable lessons or revelation, over time, that they were actually roadblocks from something much worse that could've unfolded, down the road.
Gratitude - Let us also be thankful for whatever we have or whomever is currently a part of our lives. There are many people across the globe that would exchange places with any of us, in the blink of an eye. Our families are not perfect and neither, but neither are we. Our homes are not mansions, but a house, does not a home, make.
E&G is very important. Why, you ask. I would have to go back and read D.N. #181 to explore this notion further. Simply put, God has given us minds that are equipped with the awesome ability to invisibly pre-creating what manifests in our lives, in the physical realm.
I know it is a lot to digest, but understand that where we are today, whether pleasant or not, is a direct result of our previous thoughts, words, and actions.
So remember.....................
We are creating tomorrow, invisibly, in our minds today.
Should we choose to design an invisible masterpiece, while remaining grateful about our "current piece", we then discover that these two parts we've just spoken of, are the recipe for inner peace.
Dr. Wick Daddy
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