One of the greatest moments of teaching from my mentor, can be found in this quote: "You can always get more money, but you can't get more time." This statement, in my opinion, should be tatooed on the forehead of every newborn child before the mother leaves the hospital. Of course, I don't mean that literally, but one of the biggest plights of the human condition is procrastination.
I remember being a newlywed husband at the age of 26, like it was yesterday; eager to take on the world and start a family with my bride. Today I have a 22 year old in college and a few hours ago, I helped my 2nd eldest son complete his first application for employment. He is now 16 and I am 41.
Now relax and take a deep breath. I'm not whining. I am simply overwhelmed at how the time has passed. The Dr. Wick Daddy Show! is actually a show that was supposed to have launched 13 months ago. Guess what? It is still in the pre-production phase.
I am sharing this with you because I have always been a staunch advocate of accountability. What works for me is announcing my goals to those that I care about. Hence, everytime I speak to this beloved group (of which you are a member), my goals will peer back at me through the eyes of those, in whom I have confided.
I am hopeful that, at this moment, my motives are apparent. I am a firm believer that God created unique, powerful and creative champions. Yet over time, the vast majority have chosen to embrace convenience, routine, and mediocrity.
In our working lives, we owe it to ourselves to work toward, a little everyday, doing what we believe we were created to do. If we choose not to, then, a little everyday, a part of the 'real' us is fading away. Our past failures should be used as stepping stones and not roadmaps. Failures are opportunities to acquire wisdom in the area of "what not to do."
Not pursuing your dream deprives the world of your gift and decreases the sweetness of waking up in the morning and embracing the day. Those around you, that love you, are waiting on you to pursue your passion; but time will not.
Now, for the good news: whether you are 21, 41, 61, or 81, today is the day to begin! But know this: different results will require different actions. My point? We must first identify a mentor. I have been taught that the type of mentor needed, will be defined by the desired area of improvement. i.e. Relational improvement requires a parental mentor, career improvement will require a professional mentor, and spiritual improvement requires a pastoral / priestly mentor.
These people will keep your goals in front of you and point out the obstacles in your path; even if the obstacle is you. In most cases, our best friends may or may not qualify to be our mentor in these respective areas. Unless, they are willing to get in our face and call us when we "slopping it up." I say this because I, personally, tend not to hang out with those that "get in my face." That characteristic is cool for mentoring, but I don't want to hear all that when I just want to hang out. 'Know what I'm saying?
Again, I am hopeful that this was a gut check. I want to provoke us all to action, in some capacity. It is time to come out from the crowd and get onstage. The world is waiting..........but time will not.
Big love to each of you, party people!
Thank you for your time and good night.
Dr. Wick Daddy
Copyright 2011
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