I would like to start off by thanking each of you for wishing me a happy birthday today! I am humbled by the great relationships that are a part of my life; my wife in particular. I can state, unequivocally, that she was created for me, by God.
This blog entry is probably one that I may regret the timing of, in the future.
As a counselor, I would never recommend that anyone invite an attack, under any circumstance; specifically, the least appropriate time to address a volatile matter would be on one's birthday. However, keep in mind that Dr. Wick Daddy is not your average bear. Simply put, we must go there.
Regardless, of your political persuasion, I would like to address the recent demise of one, Osama Bin Laden, and the desperate scramble going on, on both sides, to assign exclusive credit to either President Obama or President Bush.
You and I must concur on one simple principle, prior to moving forward; and it is this: In order to accept credit for the outcome of a joint effort, regardless of the perceived contribution ratio, one must also be willing to shoulder an equal portion of the failures, therein, as well.
Conservatives love to assign blame for the economy on President Obama, even though the much hated "stimulus solutions", began under the watch of President Bush. To add injury to insult, he prefaced this move, by stating that he had to "abandon" his free market principles, to save the free market. Really?
Liberals tout the unparalleled success of the 'killing without capture' maneuver employed to take out Osama Bin Laden. This great feat, however, was accomplished under all of the parameters set in motion by President Bush. Additionally, these same parameters were the ones that President Obama vowed to abolish during his presidential candidacy; to include the elimination of enhanced interrogation techniques, i.e. (water boarding), as well as the closing of Guantanamo Bay; both of these factors were instrumental in obtaining the information used to take out Bin Laden.
Let's face it. We all have SMD (Selective Memory Disorder), to a greater or lesser degree. Moreover, the media conglomerates have left the investigative journalism sector and transitioned into full time Kool Aid distribution. There are only two flavors being served and we've been drinking them for so long that we don't even recognize that we're holding both the drinking glass and sipping straw in our own hands. Eventually, we stopped, if we ever did, thinking independently. This is when we began quoting the talking points that we have seen or read. None of us reads the actual bills that are up for passage in Congress. Why? Who knows? But this blindness has become so commonplace that our own former Majority Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, openly stated that we should just pass healthcare reform, first; then we can see what's in it! Wouldn't be kinda late to oppose parts we disagree with, if it's already been passed? This is exactly the type of condescending mindset that has developed in Congress, due to a lack of engagement on the part of the American voter. We simply watch "our chosen news channel" to find out what direction we should blow. We do not join the PTA, chamber of commerce, nor will we even visit city hall, which was built from the ground up, with our very own tax dollars.
I, personally, served six years in the United States military and it was the best education I could've ever received. Why, you ask? Well, it is quite simple. I learned that I had a responsibility to defend my fellow Americans against evildoers that desired nothing more than to slit my throat. At the same time, I also discovered that some of my fellow Americans, back home, that I enlisted to protect, also harbored some of the very same sentiments towards me. Herein, family, lies the beauty of serving our country. We were not allowed to pick whom we would serve, when we wore the uniform. This is what makes this select group of heroes who they are. I also chose the word, "select" because less than 1% of our population will ever serve this great country in uniform.
Department of Justice Chief Attorney Eric Holder may be afforded the luxury of opting not to prosecute the New Black Panther party when they weree on You Tube, openly harassing white voters at the voting polls, simply because deemed that it would be a disgrace to "his people". Attention all White Americans, please contact the Department of Justice and request to speak the with the Chief of Unied States Department of Justice that will represent non-Black people. I was not aware that there was a separate office, based on your ethnicity. This is they type of foolishness that is permitted.
Robert Byrd and David Duke, both former congressmen, one Democrat and one Republican, were both members of the Ku Klux Klan; yet it appears that there was a place for them, in recent history, on both sides of the aisle, for them. Amazing, isn't it? So now the question becomes, as follows: "Is wrongdoing acceptable, on the Democratic side or the Republican side?"
We must all choose a platform, to which we will ascribe our beliefs. I am not anti-either party. What I doing is imploring you to allow a higher standard to guide you than an elephant or a donkey. The only clear cut choice is to align ourselves to a moral value system that transcends race, gender, or income bracket.
I would ask that you allow your conscience to be your guide. Just ensure that your conscience is well-informed; preferably, by the One who established the earth upon which your feet tread. His name is Jesus Christ. He has authored the best selling, non-fiction literary work of all time. It is entitled, "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth", more commonly known as the Bible.
Have an awesome morning and God bless!
P.S. Happy birthday to me!
Copyright 2011 - "The Wick Daddy Show!"
Dr. Wick Daddy
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