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Friday, October 14, 2011

Daliy Nugget #286 - The Ugly Duckling.

Good morning, party people. Today's Daily Nugget may be one that we all can relate to. For those of can, this post will serve as a source of great encouragement and instruction. I will now begin.

I will share with you, 2 separate true stories, in pursuit of the theme for this post.

There is a very special friend of mine, who will be celebrating a birthday soon. Years ago, she shared a story with me, that I never forgot. Now my friend is an extremely beautiful lady; not as beautiful as my wife, but she's up there. (I ain't stupid guys, okay?)

Anyway, she told me a story about how she'd bumped into a high school classmate. Apparently, this individual was shocked at her appearance, and could not stop remarking about how beautiful she looked. My friend was appreciative of the compliment, but she chose to cut the conversation short, for one simple reason: this same person ignored her, during their time in school together, because she wasn't so "pretty" back then.

My second story involves another friend who, for most of her life was overweight. Well recently, she  began taking exercise classes and has lost over 20 pounds. She was just as beautiful before, but now she is considerably more shapely. Years ago, she and her husband divorced and she was left to raise their young sons. Well, as fate would have it, I was at a social gathering with my wife and our friend.........and who else do you think might have shown up? You guessed it: her ex-husband! I wanted to laugh, but I did not. Dr. Wick Daddy always tries to exercise class and grace during life's awkward moments.

I smiled, greeted him, shook his hand and exited stage left, to begin my swift takeover of the dance floor. Afterwards, I had a moment of divine clarity, regarding these 2 outcomes.

Both of the ladies in these stories had opportunities to tear these individuals apart, who obviously responded differently to them, because of a change in their external appearance. However, they both chose not to do so.

In life, we will have many chances to give others advice on how to respond in negative situations; but we will have many more chances to show others how to respond, through our conduct in our own negative situations.

Life for many people has become a spectator sport. Reality TV and gossip media are billion dollar industries, for one simple reason: If we read about J-Lo, Marc Anthony, Will & Jada Pinkett Smith, and Demi Moore & Ashton Kutcher, it provides a distraction from the greater task of self examination of our own relationships.

Our focus should always be one that brings us to a place of greater humility, kindness, and generosity. We have all passed judgment on others in some way, shape, or form; but it seems that our most vivid memories are of those times when we were mistreated.

Party people, never forget your season as the ugly duckling. We have all had one. This season, however, is necessary for us to have the humility and gratitude we need to show others, when we blossom into beautiful swans.

That's it; hope it helps.

Good night party people and remember: all swans know how to stay fly, so please do..............stay fly, that is.

Blessings in Christ.

(a lean mean encouragement machine)

P.S. Let me hear from you. Comments make the blogosphere go 'round.

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