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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Relationships - Who is your mentor?

Charlie Sheen, Bill Clinton, Kobe Bryant, Wilt Chamberlain.

These names are certainly ones of notoriety and popularity. However, these personalities have also morrphed into caricatures of the shortcomings in our own lives. In my estimation, it is apparent that the aforementioned parties, may have overlooked the importance of selecting a mentor, in the area of interpersonal relationship skills. Although these individuals, have amassed significant wealth, their personal outcomes may have been, shall we say, less than desirable.

Mentorship, in simple terms, can be described as one person allowing another, that may possess greater consistency in a given aspect of their daily lifestyle, to offer him/her accountability in that respective area.

In today's culture, we have turned a blind eye to the personal conduct of those in pop culture, with good reason. In the grand scheme of things, we would, first, have to examine the gaping holes in our own lives, prior to concluding our assessment of the shortcomings of others. Don't get me wrong.........deception does delay the acknowledgement of consequences; but it does not erase them. Infidelity, substance abuse and manipulation are all pleasurable means of self medication; but only for the moment. appears that we must now ask ourselves the question: "Do I need a mentor?" This answer can be found, simply, by asking another more pointed question: "Is there an area of my life that needs to be improved?" If the answer is 'yes', then we have already begun the longest, yet most rewarding, journey of our lives. I will share with you, freely, that I have mentors in three areas of my life. I'll also speak about these areas, in greater detail, in upcoming posts. For now, let us endeavor to challenge ourselves to be real about where we are, in every area of our own lives. Immature people will always examine others first, but the mature will always examine themselves first.

Are you mature?

Dr. Wick Daddy
Copyright 2011

Copyright 2011 - "The Wick Daddy Show!"

Dr. Wick Daddy

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