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Friday, October 7, 2011

The Relationship Series: The advantage.

Party has been much too long.

I have truly missed sharing with you on The Dr. Wick Daddy Show! However, I will admit to you that the absence has not been in vain. I took some time out to assess whether or not I was actually walking the the walk that goes with the "talks" that we have on this blog. I knew something was missing, but had been unable to pinpoint exactly what it was...........until now.

My mentor shared a powerful concept that was conspicuously wrapped in a recent teaching that he'd given. I will state it as simply as possible:

"In every exchange, there is an advantage. We should choose to give it and not take it."

Relax......I'll break it down.

Society teaches us 2 contradictory lessons.

1. Our dealings with people should, as much as possible, result in a win-win situation.
2. Life isn't fair, so kill or be killed. (That was a little hard core, so let's just say, "Always try to keep the upper hand, in every situation."

However, this great teaching that I've personally received, has caused me to develop a new mindset, in the context of my marriage, friendships and business dealings.

I am choosing, more often than not, to give the advantage, instead of taking it.


Marriage: In the past, if my wife wanted to a watch a "chick flick" that I had absolutely no interest in, I would persuade her to watch something that I wanted to see. However, now I am realizing the greater benefits of watching the "chick flick" with her. Not only are we able to connect mentally and cultivate closeness, but it has often led to her agreeing to do other things that I prefer doing on other occasions. (And no I don't mean just "that" either.)

Business: If there is a client that is dissatisfied with the services that my company has rendered, I make every effort to pursue a full refund, on their behalf. I am much more concerned with ending the relationship on a positive note, than I am in making sure that my transaction does.

Relationships: When it is brought to my attention that there have been negative words spoken against myself, or those that I love, I am making an honest effort not to pass judgment on that individual or cut them off. People are human, their words can be misinterpreted, or there may be more to the story that I am aware of. But ultimately, the greatest power that person can exercise in moments of anger, betrayal or tragedy, is forgiveness. may ask yourself, "What is exactly is Dr. Wick Daddy tryin' to say?"

In summary: "Giving the advantage (or benefit of the doubt) to others, positions us to receive the same treatment, when it is our turn in the fire.

"Well Dr. Wick Daddy, do I allow people to play me like an XBox?"

Absolutely not, Kindness and compassion should be the only feelings we should strive to convey. However, once a violation has occurred, we must be wise enough to guard access to ourselves, when there is a pattern of mistreatment by the same individual.

Well family, as always it has been real and I hope you have gained something from this post. I have to go now. It is now time for the perm to be re freshened. (If this statement seems unclear, please consult the nearest person of African American descent, for further clarification.)

Love to you.

Dr.Wick Daddy
Copyright 2011

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